After you have birthed your baby it is very important that you rest, keep warm and eat well. You have used a lot of energy and Vata (air/wind energy) is high within your body. It is said in Ayurveda that the first 40 days after birth will determine the next 40 years of your life!

The postnatal period, also known as the forth trimester, is the period right after the birth. It is often overlooked with the excitement of pregnancy and anticipation of birth.

With all the enthusiasm of meeting our baby, we can often forget to prepare for taking care of ourselves in the very important days right after birth.

Traditionally we were surrounded by family and community who supported this special time enabeling the mother to rest, recover and bond with her child. Keeping warm and well fed, women were excused from the daily chores and supported in every possible way by those around them.